Thursday, January 10, 2008


# Use Master Pages for common content across pages.
# Use the “@” prefix for string literals instead of using escaped strings.
# Avoid Empty Catch-blocks# In the .NET framework 2.0: use the New AppendDataBoundItems property in ListControls.
# Close DataReaders and Connections as soon as possible.
# All important graphics should have tool tip and alternate text.
# Use Typed Datasets wherever possible and required.
# Use Validators / Validator Groups for validation.
# Include exception handling in the Application_Error event of global.asax file for unhandled exceptions – implement a Global.asax error handler.
# Choose the most appropriate data type. It is advisable to stop using the “image” data type in SQL Server for any fresh development. Microsoft is planning to phase it out in future versions of SQL Server. You should use the “varbinary(max)” data type instead.