Monday, June 29, 2009

Drag & Drop Basics-Infragistics

Let me discuss some of the basic things about the Infragistics frame work. We have two type of drag and drop in the Infragistics.

1)Copy and paste. (Source will not delete, it will append to the destination)

2)Cut and paste. (Source will delete, it will not append to the destination)

If you want to enable the 1st one have to include the below code.

var ddb = new $IG.DragDropBehavior();

And include below code to enable the 2nd one.

var ddb = new $IG.DragDropBehavior();
var date = $get("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblDate");
var wcgId = $get("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_wcg_id");