Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Clarity Installations Steps

Installation of Clarity 12.1 with Apache Tomcat using Oracle 11g as Database Server on a Single Server Windows machine

All the installation needs to be installed in a folder path with no spaces. For eg: E:\apache-tomcat-6.0.26 and not E:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.26

  1. Install Java SDK 1.6 and JRE 1.6

Install  JSDK 1.6 and JRE 1.6
Create the JAVA_HOME environment variable as follows
My Computer>Properties>Advanced>Environment Variables>System Variables>New
JAVA_HOME = C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_20
JRE_HOME = C:\ jdk1.6.0_20

Note: The JAVA_HOME variable is required to be created for Apache Tomcat 6.0 installation.

  1. Install and configure Apache-Tomcat 6.0

To verify installation of Tomcat, follow these steps
-          Navigate to Apache tomcat home\bin folder. Run startup.bat

-          The Server startup confirmation without any errors indicates a proper tomcat startup.
-          Open Internet Explorer
-          The URL should open the Tomcat Homepage.
-          One the tomcat installation in verified, navigate to bin folder and run shutdown.bat

  1. Install and configure Oracle 11g Server
Please go through the attached document for Oracle Installation and Database creation.
Create a database C0 for clarity using template,
Logon to sqlplus from command prompt:
sqlplus "sys/sys@C0 as sysdba"
Create “niku” user
create user niku identified by niku;
provide required rights to niku user.
grant sysdba,resource, create session, connect to niku;

grant unlimited tablespace, query rewrite to niku;

grant create table, create view, create trigger to niku;

create tablespace users_large datafile 'D:\CDF0\users_large' size 100M autoextend on;

create tablespace users_small datafile 'D:\CDF0\users_small' size 100M autoextend on;

create tablespace indx_large datafile 'D:\CDF0\indx_large' size 100M
autoextend on;

create tablespace indx_small datafile 'D:\CDF0\indx_small' size 100M autoextend on;

  1. Installation of Clarity Instances:

Since multiple instances of Clarity are to be installed in the same windows machine, it is not required to create the NIKU_HOME environment variable.
The following table provides detailed system configuration for Clarity installation on Microsoft Windows.
Minimum Client Hardware Configuration
1 GHz Pentium III 512 MB (power users) Recommended 1 GB for dual Clarity installation
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional: Service Pack 4
Microsoft Windows XP Professional: Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows Vista, all editions
Internet Browser
Internet Explorer 5.5: Service Pack 2
Internet Explorer 6.0: Service Pack 1 (version 6.0.2800) or higher
Internet Explorer 7.0
Firefox: version 2.0 or higher
Supporting Applications
Microsoft Excel 2000-2007, all editions. Note: Excel 2002 or higher is required for Export to Excel functionality.
Microsoft Project 2000-2007, all editions
Java 5 Runtime Environment (required for Open Workbench, Clarity Microsoft Project interface, and XOG Client): 1.5.0_10 or higher patch level
Adobe SVG Viewer (for viewing graphs and charts using Internet Explorer). Version 3.03 (all languages) or version 6 (English only).
Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher (for reading Clarity installation guides, technical manuals and user guides)
Actuate e.Report Designer Pro 8 SP1 (required only for custom report development): Fix Level must match or pre-date iServer version

Note :The following installation parameters for both Clarity instances should be maintained the same
-   Multicast Address
-          Multicast Port
-          NSA password.

Installing Clarity Instance

Create folder d:\niku\clarity

Unpack the install.jar installation file using the following command,
jar -xvf install.jar
Run install.bat
      Clarity Home Directory : d:\niku\clarity
      Type ‘y’ to proceed.
J2SDK 1.6.0 (or higher) Home Directory : C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_26 (point to jsdk folder)
Beacon Multicast Address :
Beacon Multicast Port :       9090
Beacon Client Port :          9091
J2EE Server Vendor
 1) Apache Tomcat
 2) Generic J2EE

Choose 1)
Install Niku System Administrator Application (NSA)? : yes
Tomcat Home Directory:  e:\apache-tomcat-5.5.17
NSA Web Port [8090] :   8090


Confirmation message displayed:
You chose the following:
java_home             = C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_08
nsa.multicast.address =
nsa.multicast.port    = 9090
nsa.client.port       = 9091
j2ee.vendor           = tomcat
nsa.install           = true
j2ee.home             = E:\apache-tomcat-5.5.17
nsa.web.port          = 8090
Use these settings? [(y)es, (n)o] : y

Enter Password [admin] : (default ‘admin’ password)

The following installation messages are displayed on console.

Deploying service(s)...
Copying 3 files to D:\niku\clarity_0\bin
Copying 1 file to D:\niku\clarity_0\.setup\lib
Copying 1 file to D:\niku\clarity_0\bin
Installing Beacon:
The service was successfully installed.

The Niku Beacon service is starting.
The Niku Beacon service was started successfully.

Adding service(s)...
Deploying service(s)...
The Niku System Admin Server service is starting.
The Niku System Admin Server service was started successfully.
NSA Installation complete.

To continue, point your web browser to:

Installation Successful

Total time: 22 minutes 49 seconds

After the completion of installation,

-          Open Internet Explorer.
-          Logon to NSA application at http://localhost:8090/niku/app
-          Navigate to Servers>Properties>NSA>Beacon Service Name :
-          Set Value to NikuBeacon0


-          Navigate to Servers>Properties>Application
Set the following values
Application Instance: app
          Service Name =     NikuApp0
          RMI Port      =       23781
          HTTP Port     =       8085
Application Instance: nsa
          Service Name =     NikuNSA0
          RMI Port      =       23782
          HTTP Port     =       8090


Navigate to jobSchedulerServerInstance subnode
Change the attribute serviceName value to “NikuBg0” and save the file.

Navigate to d:\niku\clarity\bin folder in command prompt.

Issue the following commands,

niku status all – displays NSA and beacon services as running.
niku stop all – stops NSA and beacon services
niku remove all – removes all services (NSA and beacon services)
niku add deploy nsa beacon– Adds and deploys the NSA and beacon services

Note: NSA and beacon services are removed post installation to avoid overwriting of the Niku services on Windows.

Logon to NSA application,
Install Database and XDM (Reports and Add-ons optional)

Navigate to d:\niku\clarity\bin folder in command prompt.

Add and deploy app and bg services,
niku add deploy bg app
Start the app and bg services
niku start app bg